Friday, August 22, 2014

Secret Code

Congratulations, you figured out the combination and freed the baby kittens! But now the V.A.L.A. leaders are furious! They have canceled classes for the day, allegedly to give the new recruits a day off. But you know that they are frantically searching the compound for the spy. You are hiding in the woods nearby and your partner has sent you the following message which was sent to the V.A.L.A. tablet that A.A.K.V.O. still has:
URGENT MESSAGE FOR ALL AGENTS: Decode using the standard V.A.L.A. decryption protocol. I want this matter resolved by the end of the day!  -- Herman T. Sherman, V.A.L.A. Bien (237)
And then the following cryptic message:
(913,38,869,134,5141); (1273,2209,3337,2881,391,1349); (1363,86,893,4331,2021,793,1927,583,142)
How much do they know? Have they figured out that your fake name is Jonah Orton, which is right there on the new recruit list? Should you escape now while you can? What's with the 237 at the end of the message? Could that be a clue to the decryption protocol? Can you decipher the code?

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