Saturday, August 30, 2014

Adrenalin Darts

Congratulations, you placed your microphone 10 cm above the base and were able to hear the V.A.L.A. agents discuss their plans for the Fire Nosed Bears! It turns out they only have two agents and five mission specialists to help them. But they only need to capture one Fire Nosed Bear. Apparently, some rich donor to V.A.L.A. will donate ten million dollars if he can get a Fire-Nosed-Bear-skin rug. Their plan is to tranquilize the bear and then kill it--they don't risk shooting it because that might ruin the fur. And that gives you an idea!

Your plan is to replace the tranquilizer solution with Adrenalin--a substance that will give it extra energy to attack the V.A.L.A. agents and minions after they've shot it! You sneaked into the camp last night and discovered that they are using 5 cc TeleDart syringes filled with 3 cc of tranquilizer solution. You will have A.A.K.V.O. deliver some identical replacement darts filled with Adrenalin via quad-rotor so you can swap them out tonight. But how much Adrenalin solution should you use? The bear is larger than average and weighs 300 pounds. The dose of Adrenalin is 0.01 mL of stock solution per kilogram. How much of the stock solution should be used for the bear, and how much water should be added to dilute it up to 3 cc?

Hint:  cc = cubic centimeter

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