Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Prambanan Temple

Congratulations, you signaled the last A.A.K.V.O. plane leaving Greenland, and they rescued you! You have now arrived in Java. While spying on the V.A.L.A. minions setting up their camp, you overheard one of them tell another that the secret plans for bombing the A.A.K.V.O. base were hidden in the ancient ruins of the Prambanan Temple located about 100 miles to the east. You had one of your agents-in-training take the quad-rotor video below and then create a scale model of the temple site.

You heard them say the plans were hidden in one of the 224 small Pervara temples surrounding the main temples—but which one? You only heard them say that it was 10 grid units from the Shiva temple and 13 grid units from the Pervara temple closest to the southern Apit temple. What are they talking about? And which of the 224 small Pervara temples should you search for the secret plans?

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