Monday, August 4, 2014

Bear Island

You were on your way to Java from Greenland flying over the north Atlantic when you realized the gypsy psychic sabotaged your snow plane! She punctured the gas tank and you've been leaking gas ever since you took off. You had to make an emergency crash landing on Bear Island!

Your radio was broken in the crash and the gypsy also sabotaged your satellite phone. But you do have 120 meters of bright orange signaling cloth that you can use to make an S.O.S. signal. The last A.A.K.V.O. plane from Greenland should be coming in about an hour so you decide to set up your signal.

If you only have 120 m of cloth and want to use all of it to make the letters as big as possible, how high should the letters be if you arrange the cloth in the pattern below?

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