Thursday, July 24, 2014

One Last Truck

Congratulations, you discovered the new road in time! Your plan to trap the convoy between two rock slides worked perfectly. However, one truck left early and has already arrived at the cliff bear den. Through your binoculars, you can see they already have a live cliff bear and they're getting ready to load it onto the truck. You must stop them!

You decide to shoot out two of the tires with your sniper rifle. From the map, you see that you are 1.2 km away from the truck and your bullet travels at 1000 meters per second. Your wind meter tells you the wind is blowing from right to left at 1 meter per second. You are using 0.338 Lapua Magnums which have a cross-sectional area of 5 cm2 and weigh 13 grams. From your point of view, the distance between the tires is 4.6 meters. Using the rear tire as a guide, how far to the right should you aim to hit the front tire?

Equation from this paper.

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