Tuesday, July 22, 2014


You've packed up your 10.6 kg of C4 and your knife and you're ready to go into Tajikistan to save the cliff bears. You'll be doing a HALO jump from 11 km so as to avoid detection from the V.A.L.A. forces on the ground.

You are aiming for Dashmandy, a small village about 20 km north of Baldzhuvon which should be far enough away to avoid detection. The elevation is about 1,000 m and you want to pull your chute around 2,000 m. After 20 seconds and 900 meters, you reach your terminal velocity of 200 kph. How soon after you jump should you pull your parachute cord?

The view from 11,000 meters when you jump:

The view from 2,000 meters when you pull the cord:

The view from the ground when you land near Dashmandy:

Note: To calculate the distance traveled after 20 seconds while accelerating to terminal velocity, I used Wolfram Alpha to calculate the area under the curve of a speed vs. time plot:

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