Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Bandages Come Off

Congratulations, the surgery was a success, and the transmitter has been removed! Today your bandages come off and the A.A.K.V.O. agents will begin testing you to see if the surgery caused any brain damage. If you pass the tests over the next several days, you will be on your way to becoming a full A.A.K.V.O. agent again, and you can begin working on stopping the next FAMPO mission. But if you don't pass the tests, don't worry--A.A.K.V.O. currently has an open position for janitor at A.A.K.V.O. headquarters.

Below is your first test.  Use the following symbols in your answers:
  • multiplication:  *
  • division: /
  • exponent: ^
For example, the area of a circle from the diameter, d, would be written:  pi*(d/2)^2. And do not use parentheses in any of your answers. Good luck!

Do you have brain damage?

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