Friday, July 31, 2015

Renting a Boat

Congratulations, you got a framed picture for Jerry and he loves it! (He really likes chewing on the corner!) You heard from A.A.K.V.O. that they have a freighter passing through the Makassar Straight in a few hours and if you can get a boat, you can meet it and escape the island. Unfortunately, the only boat available is an old river boat, and you're not sure if it can go the required 6.5 km/h in steady water.

The boat owner is willing to take you to the freighter (he takes A.A.K.V.O. credit) but he doesn't know how fast it is. He only knows that every day it goes up the river 30 km and back again in 8 hours, and that the river moves at 2 km/h. Fortunately, that's all the information you need to calculate the speed of the boat in steady water. Is it fast enough to escape the island?

P.S. The PASSWORD is TREE but there's only a note inside. If you solve this problem before I get home, we can get the thing on the note when I get home. If not, maybe after dinner...

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