Congratulations, you got a framed picture for Jerry and he loves it! (He really likes chewing on the corner!) You heard from A.A.K.V.O. that they have a freighter passing through the Makassar Straight in a few hours and if you can get a boat, you can meet it and escape the island. Unfortunately, the only boat available is an old river boat, and you're not sure if it can go the required 6.5 km/h in steady water.
The boat owner is willing to take you to the freighter (he takes A.A.K.V.O. credit) but he doesn't know how fast it is. He only knows that every day it goes up the river 30 km and back again in 8 hours, and that the river moves at 2 km/h. Fortunately, that's all the information you need to calculate the speed of the boat in steady water. Is it fast enough to escape the island?
P.S. The PASSWORD is TREE but there's only a note inside. If you solve this problem before I get home, we can get the thing on the note when I get home. If not, maybe after dinner...
Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Picture Frame
Congratulations, you figured out the combination and escaped the FAMPO facility! You made your way to the coast and now you need to signal A.A.K.V.O. to come pick you up. But when you got to the beach, you saw a picture framing store and decided to get a present for Jerry!
You took the picture on the right of Jerry and want to get it framed. The cost for framing a picture is made up of two parts: glass costs 100 rupiah per square inch and the frame costs 200 rupiah per inch. If the frame has to be 4 by 3 to fit the picture of Jerry, what size picture can you get framed for 122,400 rupiah, the amount you have left (about $9)?
Get a big picture for Jerry!
You took the picture on the right of Jerry and want to get it framed. The cost for framing a picture is made up of two parts: glass costs 100 rupiah per square inch and the frame costs 200 rupiah per inch. If the frame has to be 4 by 3 to fit the picture of Jerry, what size picture can you get framed for 122,400 rupiah, the amount you have left (about $9)?
Get a big picture for Jerry!
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Find the Combination
Congratulations, you've escaped from the cell thanks to your math skills and Jerry's digging! But now you have to escape the room! Unfortunately, the kid's father is trying to teach him math so he's locked him in the room and given him a math problem to get out. Fortunately, the kid is sleeping in the corner and shouldn't wake up for a few hours so you've got time to solve the problem and escape.
The door to the room has a lock on it that needs three numbers to open it. Taped to the door is a picture of Phineas and these words: "Suppose that the lengths of the three sides of a right triangle are three integers with each one 10 bigger than the last (e.g. 1, 11, 21). Find the lengths of the three sides and you will have the combination!"
Good luck!
Get out of the room before the kid wakes up!
The door to the room has a lock on it that needs three numbers to open it. Taped to the door is a picture of Phineas and these words: "Suppose that the lengths of the three sides of a right triangle are three integers with each one 10 bigger than the last (e.g. 1, 11, 21). Find the lengths of the three sides and you will have the combination!"
Good luck!
Get out of the room before the kid wakes up!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Break Out of Jail
Congratulations, thanks to your hard work, the bratty kid got 100% on his extra credit work and can now move up to the eighth grade! But you're sick of being in this cell. Fortunately, Jerry was digging--as he loves to do--and he found a note left by a previous prisoner. It's a diagram that shows how he dug a hole through the floor to the room below that would let one of the bars slip through and create enough of a space to squeeze out of your cell! After he used it for his escape, he put a small piece of wood in to keep the bar up and covered it back up with dirt. Unfortunately, they replaced the bars after his escape and the spacing is different so you can't just count the number of bars over to see where you have to dig. Fortunately, on the back of the slip of paper, the prisoner left some calculations. You've learned that the height (h) in the diagram is 16 feet less than three times the width (w). You've also learned that the total area of the rectangle in the diagram is 75 square feet. How many feet over from the edge of your cell (w) should you dig to open up the hole and slide the bar through?
Good luck!
Set yourself free!
Good luck!
Set yourself free!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Get Jerry Back
Congratulations, you finally finished the previous nine problems for the bratty kid's extra credit. You only have four more to go but they're due tomorrow. The kid is sick of taking care of "your stupid rat" as he calls Jerry, so he's decided to give him back to you if you complete these four problems by the end of the day. But if you don't, the kid said it's "curtains for Jerry"!
Good luck!
Solve these problems to get Jerry back!
Good luck!
Solve these problems to get Jerry back!
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Jerry is a Hero!
Congratulations, you solved the problems and were able to see Jerry, your pet marsupial mole, for about a minute. When your minute was up, the bratty kid snatched him back. Then Jerry did something that made you so proud--he bit the bratty kid in the hand! The kid screamed like a baby and dropped Jerry who ran back to you. You were able to spend an additional half hour with him while the kid got his hand bandaged up. He also had to have a very painful rabies shot!
But now you and Jerry are apart again and the kid is making you do nine more problems. Good luck!
Solve these problems to see Jerry!
But now you and Jerry are apart again and the kid is making you do nine more problems. Good luck!
Solve these problems to see Jerry!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Save Jerry!
Congratulations, you solved the problems and the bratty kid got 100% on his homework. You would think he would be grateful, right? Well, he's not. He decided to steal Jerry, your pet marsupial mole! Now he says he won't give him back unless you do his extra credit work for him--twenty two more problems!
He said if you do the nine problems below, he'll let you see Jerry for one minute and he'll even let you pet him. Isn't that nice?
Good luck!
Solve these problems to see Jerry!
He said if you do the nine problems below, he'll let you see Jerry for one minute and he'll even let you pet him. Isn't that nice?

Solve these problems to see Jerry!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Baby Polar Bear
Congratulations, you got the baby hedgehog! Unfortunately, the FAMPO commander's bratty kid still has more homework and he's demanding that you help him.
But now that they know you are collecting baby animals, they have offered you this baby polar bear if you can solve the problems below.
Good luck!
Solve these problems to get the baby polar bear!
But now that they know you are collecting baby animals, they have offered you this baby polar bear if you can solve the problems below.
Good luck!
Solve these problems to get the baby polar bear!
Monday, July 20, 2015
Baby Hedgehog
FAMPO is very angry with you that you did not lead them back to A.A.K.V.O. headquarters and that you removed your transmitter. They haven't decided yet what to do with you. But in the meantime, the commander wants you to help his son with his homework. And by help, he means you have to do it for him!
As motivation, he will give you this pet baby hedgehog but you have to get them all correct! Good luck.
Solve these problems to get the baby hedgehog!
As motivation, he will give you this pet baby hedgehog but you have to get them all correct! Good luck.
Solve these problems to get the baby hedgehog!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Japanese River Otter

You planned to join your partner but just as you were leaving the site, you heard someone from behind you say, "...and you thought we just let you go..." and then you felt a sharp blow to the head, fell to the ground, and the lights went out...
Monday, July 13, 2015
Bribing the Pilot
He showed you the money that FAMPO gave him and was very upset that the stacks of money of two different denominations were different heights. He said he wanted the same number of bills for each denomination, but those FAMPO idiots gave him the same dollar amount in each denomination! (He must have some kind of one-two thing.) He is willing to give you the ALPV if you give him 600 of the higher denomination bills so that his stacks are exactly the same height. He also said that you would then be paying the same amount that FAMPO paid him. Unfortunately, you only saw the lower denomination bills which were $3 Obama bills! Obviously, FAMPO is giving him counterfeit money but you still need to give him the higher denomination bills to make him happy and get the ALPV. What value should you get printed on the 600 higher-denomination bills?
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Crop Duster
Congratulations, you found the secret FAMPO hideout. Unfortunately, by the time you figured out the location and flew there, they were gone! Fortunately, they left some scraps of paper in the trash can that might help you figure out their plan.
The first paper has a contract for a crop duster to dispense a special chemical over a specific rectangular area of jungle. The second is a packing slip for delivery from FAMPO Laboratories of "ALPV" which your partner figured out stands for Amur Leopard Polio Virus. They must have modified the human polio virus to attack Amur leopards--those sneaky bastards!
The third set of papers has the map above and one page of calculations but the other ones are missing. You recognize immediately that the blue areas are the current locations of the Amur leopard--but which one are they going to target? From the one page of calculations, you found these notes:
The first paper has a contract for a crop duster to dispense a special chemical over a specific rectangular area of jungle. The second is a packing slip for delivery from FAMPO Laboratories of "ALPV" which your partner figured out stands for Amur Leopard Polio Virus. They must have modified the human polio virus to attack Amur leopards--those sneaky bastards!
The third set of papers has the map above and one page of calculations but the other ones are missing. You recognize immediately that the blue areas are the current locations of the Amur leopard--but which one are they going to target? From the one page of calculations, you found these notes:
- Vladivostok area is 50 km longer than it is wide
- Not enough ALPV to cover Vladivostok--damn!
- Need to reduce the area sprayed by 3600 km2
- Why didn't we get more ALPV? We should fire all FAMPO chemists immediately!
- If we reduce the width and height by 30 km each, we can cover the new area!
- That means we can instead target the area near [...bottom of page--notes end here]
All you need to do is figure out the dimensions of the new target area and you can go stop the crop duster! Good luck.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Chillin' in Jilin
Congratulations, you do not have any brain damage from your surgery, and you've joined your fellow agents on the mission to save the Amur Leopard! First, you need to find out where the FAMPO agents are meeting. You've intercepted their radio transmissions and overheard the following conversations:
8:47 am: "Hi Roger, I'm leaving Yanbian right now."
8:47 am: "Hi Martin, I just took off in my plane right now as well from Tonghua!"
9:17 am: "Hi Roger. I'm flying at a constant speed of [transmission garbled]. How fast are you going?"
9:17 am: "Hi Martin. I'm flying exactly 24 km/h faster than you! It must be because I've got the wind behind me!"
9:37 am: "Hi Roger. I just touched down on the runway and I see another FAMPO plane on the other runway! Is that you?"
9:37 am: "Hi Martin. Yes, it's me. I can't believe we touched down at the same time! This portends good fortune for our mission!"Since you know that Yanbian is 320 km from Tonghua and they traveled toward each other in a straight line, you can figure out where they are meeting! How far from Tonghua toward Yanbian did they meet?
Friday, July 10, 2015
Amur Leopard
Congratulations, you solved the last set of problems and now have a marsupial mole as a pet! You only have one more set to complete to prove you do not have brain damage. But hurry! A.A.K.V.O. has just learned of a despicable plan that FAMPO has to exterminate the Amur leopard from the planet! If you finish the problems below in time, you can join your fellow A.A.K.V.O. agents on their mission to save the Amur leopard!
Good luck!
Solve these problems to join the next mission!
Good luck!
Solve these problems to join the next mission!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Marsupial Mole
Congratulations, you got a golden mole as a pet! Unfortunately, the agents gave it to you in a cage with a cardboard bottom and Goldie--not a very clever name--burrowed through it during the night and escaped! The agents feel terrible about it so they've offered you a marsupial mole as a pet if you can complete the problems below before the timer runs out.
Good luck!
Don't you want a pet marsupial mole?
Good luck!
Time remaining to get a pet marsupial mole: minutes!
Don't you want a pet marsupial mole?
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Pet Golden Mole
Congratulations, you passed the first test! However, your fellow agents are very concerned you might have serious brain damage because it took you so long to do the problems. But they also wonder if perhaps you just aren't motivated enough. So for this test, they have decided to give you a pet golden mole if you can solve the problems below in less than five minutes!
Good luck!
Don't you want a pet golden mole?
Good luck!
Time remaining to get a pet golden mole: 5:00 minutes!
Don't you want a pet golden mole?
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
The Bandages Come Off
Congratulations, the surgery was a success, and the transmitter has been removed! Today your bandages come off and the A.A.K.V.O. agents will begin testing you to see if the surgery caused any brain damage. If you pass the tests over the next several days, you will be on your way to becoming a full A.A.K.V.O. agent again, and you can begin working on stopping the next FAMPO mission. But if you don't pass the tests, don't worry--A.A.K.V.O. currently has an open position for janitor at A.A.K.V.O. headquarters.
Below is your first test. Use the following symbols in your answers:
Do you have brain damage?
Below is your first test. Use the following symbols in your answers:
- multiplication: *
- division: /
- exponent: ^
For example, the area of a circle from the diameter, d, would be written: pi*(d/2)^2. And do not use parentheses in any of your answers. Good luck!
Do you have brain damage?
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