Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Save the Baby Pole Cat

Congratulations, you did their silly math test and saved the Monito del Monte.  They begrudgingly released it into the wild and you were able to see it scamper off into the brush through your tiny window.

But they're not done with you yet.  You heard them say, "Well, he's not completely brain dead, if he got those easy questions right.  Now let's give him some harder ones to see if we did any damage to the angular gyrus."

You're surprised that V.A.L.A. agents actually know specific regions of the brain. It's not like them at all. And then you wonder, Are these really V.A.L.A. agents? Is it possible you were captured by yet another evil group that hates animals?

You demand to know who your captors are but they just laugh at you. They tell you that if you solve the problems below, they might--just might--tell you who they are.

Oh, and if you don't solve them, they will kill this adorable baby pole cat!

The life of the baby pole cat rests in your hands!

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