Monday, June 22, 2015

Dwarf Cuscus

Congratulations, an A.A.K.V.O. team has come to your rescue! When you explained to them that FAMPO put you in a coma for nine months and then gave you all kinds of math tests, they became suspicious that FAMPO installed a tracking device in your brain. They can remove the tracker, but first they need to make sure your brain isn't already damaged from the previous surgery. They decided to do this with a series of math tests!

You explained that FAMPO has already given you the tests and you passed. But they explained that if you did have brain damage, you would think that you passed when you actually failed, so they need to do their own tests. However, they liked the idea of giving you a treat when you pass so they put something for you in a locked green bag--just solve the problems below for the password.

(Oh yeah, they also said that if you pass all of their tests, you can keep a dwarf cuscus as a pet when you leave.)

Solve the problems for a tasty treat!

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