Sunday, April 30, 2017

Fat Panda

You are the new caretaker of the pandas at the Madrid zoo and your star panda, Puddles, is overweight. She just lays around in a tree all day long and the zoo is getting horrible press. You were hired because of your expertise in mammals and you need to show them you can get the panda's weight under control.
You've decided to make him exercise every day and put him on a limited diet.  He's making some progress but the zoo public relations director wants to know when Puddles will be down to his healthy weight of 175 pounds.  You've graphed his weight over the last two weeks and fit the data to a line:  y = -0.26*x + 188.8.  Based on the trend so far, when will Puddles be at his healthy weight of 175 pounds?  (Day 16 is today, April 30th.)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Saving the Baiji

With less than twenty left in the world, the Baiji dolphin is one of the most endangered species on Earth.  But you have a solution.  You've invented a duplicating machine so you can put one dolphin in and get two out!  But right now you only have a prototype that can duplicate coins. But once you have enough money from the prototype, you can build the full size duplicator. Test it out below after you solve the trapezoid problem.

Good luck!

Solve this problem to test the duplicator machine!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Rotations and Reflections

Congratulations, you solved the ancient Greek paradox of Zeno. Euclid was so happy with your explanation that he decided to help you!

He looked through the code and found a mistake in your tables of rotations and reflections. Your time machine does a series of translations, rotations and reflections through four-dimensional space. Unfortunately, your programmer put in the wrong coordinate transformations in your master table.

Euclid is too excited about building his own computer to help you complete the task so you're on your own. Simply select the name of the transformation that corresponds to each of the possible coordinate changes below. There are four rotations (90, 180, 270 & 360°) and four reflections (across four different lines: the x-axis, the y-axis, the line y = x, and the line y = –x).

Good luck!

(If you're thinking about just guessing, there are 8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 40,320 possible answers!!!)

Keep x & y New x: keep sign New x: change sign
New y: keep sign (x,y) → (x,y)

(x,y) → (-x,y)

New y: change sign (x,y) → (x,-y)

(x,y) → (-x,-y)

Switch x & y New x: keep sign New x: change sign
New y: keep sign (x,y) → (y,x)

(x,y) → (-y,x)

New y: change sign (x,y) → (y,-x)

(x,y) → (-y,-x)

Complete the tables to fix your time machine!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Zeno's Paradox

Unfortunately, you took too many guesses to realize the tetrahedron is the logical choice for a primitive solid. Euclid doesn't believe you are really from the future and says to, "Now leave me alone. I've got a puzzle to solve."

Before leaving, you look over his shoulder and see a diagram of a running man where in each time-increment, the runner moves half way to the finish line. You recognize this as Zeno's paradox. It shows that motion is impossible according to the following proof:
  1. Suppose a runner always moves half the distance to the finish line during each step.
  2. Now allow an infinite number of steps.
  3. Since the runner can never reach the finish line even with an infinite number of steps, the runner will never reach the finish line.
  4. Therefore, motion is an illusion.
You wonder if you could resolve the paradox and explain it to Euclid, maybe he would be so grateful that he'll help you fix your time machine. It's worth a shot. Now you just have to figure out what's wrong with the proof.

Good luck.