Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rest and Relaxation

Congratulations, you decoded the poem and discovered the location of the supposed V.A.L.A. Headquarters. Just to be safe, you've taken the V.A.L.A. agent with you. If your agents-in-training confirm that the location is in fact the home of Herman T. Sherman, you will let him go so he can become an A.A.K.V.O. double agent.

You've had a long, adventurous summer of defeating V.A.L.A. and rescuing countless animals--Cliff Bears, Olinguitos, Gobi Bears, Cave Turtles, Dwarf Island Bears, Baby Seals, Monkton's Salamanders, Slow Lorises, Baby Kittens, and Bengal Tigers! Now you deserve some rest and relaxation so you head off to your mansion in the forests of Kyrgyzstan.

Well done and enjoy your vacation!

Monday, September 1, 2014

V.A.L.A. Headquarters

Congratulations, your bungee net worked! The last agent threw a live grenade into the bear den and it bounced out and landed next to a tree. When it exploded, it made the tree fall and it fell right on the agent! Now he is trapped underneath it!

Being crushed under the tree has been a wake-up call to him. He seems ready to change his ways and has offered to become a double-agent working for A.A.K.V.O. if you free him from the fallen tree. But you need some assurance that he is serious. You tell him he must give up the super-secret location of Herman T. Sherman in exchange for pulling the tree off of him. He agrees and tells you the "poem" below that he memorized in V.A.L.A. agent training, although he has forgotten how to decode the location from it. He remembers something about a prime animal code, but can't remember more than that. Can you decode the poem and discover the location of V.A.L.A. Headquarters?
Go East Dingo, Hippo, Giraffe for fun.
Then head North degrees the sum of East.
Push on minutes which are degrees minus one.
And at last tread seconds of Eagle times Beast.